Kanbe Miyuki(神戸みゆき)

Name Kanbe Miyuki(神戸みゆき)
Played Sailor Moon (Tsukino Usagi)
# of Preformances 110
First Appearance Shin Henshin! Super Senshi e no Michi ~ Last Dracul Jokyoku ~ ('00)
Last Appearance Last Dracul Saishuu Shou ~ Chou Wakusei Death Vulcan no Fuuin ('01)
Birthday May 7, 1984
Birthplace Tokyo
Blood Type O
Height 160 cm
Hobbies Friends, long discussions, karaoké
After Myu? Preformed in Les Miserables as Eponine, did the opening for the anime Puchi Pinchi Melody and released a solo CD. Died of heart failure June 18, 2008, at the age of 24.